I've currently moved over to blogging at http://mathcraft.wonderhowto.com/

Here I will be posting about 4 times per week and will have a project every week with more in depth information and a how to component and templates. There will also be a user forum for people to submit pictures and ideas.

Thanks! I hope to see you there!

Dymaxion World: Cubeoctahedron Globe

May 21

I've always been interested in maps and different projections and how they make such a difference in the way the world looks when a sphere is projected onto a flat surface.  Yesterday my wife sent me this link to an issue of Life Magazine from March 1, 1943.  On page 41 of this issue they discuss a new (at the time) projection from Buckminster Fuller, a famous inventor who is now most well-known for his geodesic spheres and houses made out of them.  This projection is called The Dymaxion World, and can be folded up to form a geometric object known as a Cubeoctahedron.  While the point of the projection is to have a flat-map with desirable properties such as low distortion and the ability to have all of the landmasses contiguous, I just think it looks cool folded up to form a bizzare globe.   Note: Fuller eventually decided on another polyhedron, the icosahedron, to use for The Dymaxion World.  It is a much "rounder" shape that actually looks like a globe. I've made those before and I don't think they look nearly as cool.

The images of the templates at the very bottom of this post, obtained from the original article, are high enough resolution to make about a 10 inch globe on standard paper if you click on the pictures and download the higher resolution version.  I used thick cardstock, and a tacky glue to construct mine.  All you have to do is glue Tab A to Tab A, Tab B to Tab B, Tab C to Tab C...

Here's a picture of the one I built:

Here's Mr. Bucky Fuller himself:

And here are some pictures that appeared in Life Magazine 3 weeks later as pictures to the editors:

Finally the templates:



Mercurious Georg said...

Nice blog - cool projects. I found this via link from Paperkraft.net to this article. Do you mind if I link you from my blog?

Cory said...

Thanks! Go right ahead.

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Gabriel Marsh said...

I think it's fascinating how a flat map can be folded into such an interesting geometric shape.

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